Information about the processing of personal data


1. Contact details of the Data Controller and the Data Protection Officer

Delego Személyzeti Szolgáltató Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft. (hereinafter together „Delego”, within the framework of this Information, any of them independently: „Data Controller”) are among Hungary’s most dynamically expanding labour hire and human outsourcing companies. 

The Data Controllers regarding the personal data of applicants for job advertisements – under the General Data Protection Regulation and Privacy Act – are considered joint data controllers. Delego’s services include labour hire, recruitment, and packaging services.

The employee’s employer is considered the Data Controller for Personal Data managed in connection with the employment. 

Delego’s data management activities are supported by the Data Protection Supervisor and the Data Protection Officer. The main task of the Data Protection Supervisor is the implementation and operational implementation of the provisions written in this Notice. The main duties of the Data Protection Officer include providing information and advice to Delego regarding the protection of personal data, and continuously monitoring and checking the enforcement of legislation and internal regulations related to personal data. The following are among the tasks of the Data Protection Supervisor: provide information and advice to Delego regarding the protection of personal data, continuously monitor and check the enforcement of legislation and internal regulations related to personal data and changes in data protection legislation and practice, facilitate the exercise of the rights concerned, investigate complaints concerning personal data, initiate the necessary measures to fix the complaint and keep in contact with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. 


Contact details of Delego:

Address: 2161 Csomád, Cseresznyés u. 1/a.




Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:

Name: Dr Gábor Takács 




2. The importance of processing personal data by the Data Controller

Delego needs to adapt its services related to labour hire and human outsourcing for its clients to the requirements of the modern age as much as possible. Its branches may operate differently when handling Personal Data, so it is necessary to inform the persons participating in the various services about the handling of their Personal Data. 

This information contains detailed information related to data management during the provision of labour hire and outsourcing, as well as related services.

Please note that by using the website, registering there, and using our services, you accept the processing of your personal data as described in this information.

The use of the website, registration, and use of services, i.e., providing personal data, is voluntary for private individuals.

2.1 Concepts

In this Information Sheet, we use many capitalized concepts for clarity. 

The „Data Subject”, “Personal Data”, “Data Controller”, Data Protection Breach”, „Supervisory Authority”, „Impact assessment”, “Data Processor”, and „Joint Data Controller” has the meaning set out in the General Data Protection Regulation.

In addition, the following words and expressions have the following meanings:

General Data Protection Regulationon the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data as well as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC;
Delego Consulting Ltd.DELEGO CONSULTING Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Road 51.; company registration number: 01-09-993222; tax number: 23724497-2-42)
Delego Személyzeti Szolgáltató Kft.DELEGO Személyzeti Szolgáltató Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 2161 Csomád, Cseresznyés street 1/A; company registration number: 13-09-155322; tax number: 23869354-2-13)
Privacy ActAct CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information;
Government decreeGovernment decree 118/2001. (VI.30.) on the conditions for the registration and implementation of labour hire and private employment agency activities;
Mt.Act I of 2012 on the Labor Code; and websites operated/rented by the data controller;
Clientthird parties in contact with the Data Controller based on an assignment contract, the borrower in the case of an assignment for labour hire; the ordering party in the case of an assignment to provide labour placement services.

3. Data management by the data controller

Natural persons have personal data. Any information relating to a specific natural person – “Data Subject” according to the wording of the data protection legislation – may be considered personal data. Personal data is, for example, the name, telephone number, email address, image, video and audio recording, school education, and list of previous jobs, if the natural person can be identified based on this.

We provide our service via Delego, Delego companies are classified as independent or joint Data Controllers or Data Processors. In the case of Joint Data Management, the Data Controller and other Joint Data Controllers jointly determine the goals and means of data management, while in the case of using Data Processors, the Data Controller is primarily responsible for data management and whose instructions are the basis for how certain data is being processed by the Data Processors. Both independent and Joint Data Controllers, as well as Data Processors, are obliged to comply with the same principles regarding data management as the Data Controller.

3.1 Data management arising in connection with the candidate database

Concerning the Personal Data included in the candidate database, Delego Személyzeti Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft. are considered Joint Data Controllers. 

The Data Subjects provide their personal data and upload the documents containing them to the website or provide their personal data in another way (by phone, e-mail, in person) and make the relevant documentation available to the Data Controller through which the Data Subjects register in the Data Controller’s database. The Data Controller manages the Personal Data required for its services within the framework of this activity, it builds a candidate database from the Personal Data provided by the candidates. The primary goal of the Data Controller is to promote the provision of labour hire and recruitment services at a high level. In addition, the construction of the database, which allows candidates to find a job faster and easier, is also beneficial for those concerned.

You can read the details of data management in connection with the candidate database below.

Scope of processed dataThe Data Subject can register on the Website, by phone, and personally in two ways as a result of which the Data Controller manages a different range of data:


  • in case of quick registration (application given in connection with the position):
    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • Place of birth
    • Phone number
    • E-mail address
    • Region
    • Residence
    • Professional experience
    • CV
  • In case of application to the database:
    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • Place of birth
    • Phone number
    • E-mail address
    • Region
    • Residence
    • Professional experience
    • Gross salary expectation/month
    • Wanted position
    • Interest in a job opportunity with accommodation
    • CV
Purpose of data managementIn the case of building the candidate database, the purpose of data management is to facilitate the recruitment and selection process for both the Data Controller and the Clients. 
Legal basis for data management, additional condition
  1. The data subject consents to the processing of Personal Data (Article 6 paragraph (1) point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation: 

During registration, the candidate consents to the processing of his/her data to be included in the Data Controller’s database and to be recommended to the Clients in the event of a successful recruitment and selection process.

  1. The Data Controller does not oblige the Data Subject to provide any Special Data unless it is necessary to perform the job. If the candidate provides Special Data to the Data Controller based on his/her own decision during the registration (for example, data on religious or worldview beliefs, health data, biometric data) the Data Controller will handle it only to the extent that it is relevant for the establishment, fulfillment, or termination of the employment; it ignores all other data during decision-making (General Data Protection Regulation Article 9 Paragraph (2) points b) and h).
  2. The processing of Personal Data is necessary to enforce the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or a third party (General Data Protection Regulation Article 9. Paragraph (1) point f)):

There may be cases where you already provide the specified minimum data during contact. The Data Controller only processes these contact details until consent is obtained based on its legitimate interest in establishing and maintaining contact.

Duration of data management2 years from registration
Joint data controllers, contractual partnersThe candidate database and the personal data contained in it are jointly managed by Delego Személyzeti Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft., so during the data management activity, they will be Joint Data Controllers. The purpose of joint data management is for Delego to find the most suitable position and employment method for the Data Subject. The Joint Data Controllers have access to the entire database.


The subcontractor of Delego Consulting Kft. is also involved in building the candidate database. This subcontractor is considered a data processor based on data protection rules.

Such data processor is HRSzoftver Kft. (Headquarters: 2045, Törökbálint, Kossuth Lajos street 40., company registration number: 13-09-190859), which operates the candidate database management software. The data processor only provides the technical support, maintenance, and development support necessary for the software operation of the database, it has access to the data appearing in the database but does not carry out any further data management activities. 

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (South County Business Park, One Microsoft Court, Carmanhall and Leopardstown, Dublin, D18 DH6K, Ireland) within the framework of the Exchange Online subscriber agreement, the Data Controller stores personal data in the system provided by Microsoft Exchange. 

IIT Network Kft. (headquarters: 2072 Zsámbék, Kálvária str. 6., company registration number: Cg.13-09-167252) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

Web-N Bt. (headquarters: 5100 Jászberény, Szövetkezet Road 5. 3/33., company registration number: 16-06-008797) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

The call center customer service system is provided by VCC Live Hungary Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 1112 Budapest, Balatoni Road 2/A. 5. Floor., company registration number: 01-09-735941) for the Data Controller.

3.2 Recruitment and selection process in the case of labour hire and recruitment

During the recruitment and selection process, the Data Controller strives to find the most suitable workplace for the candidates and mediate the most suitable candidate for work for its Clients.

The recruitment activity is carried out by Delego Consulting Kft., and the selection activity is carried out by Delego Személyzeti Kft., in terms of this process, the parties are considered joint data controllers.

Advertisements are published in a variety of ways, taking into account, among other things, the availability of the recruited staff, via leaflets sent by Magyar Posta Zrt., local newspapers, by advertising on TV, on Delego’s website and Facebook page, as well as job advertisement on the website.

The Data Controller searches for potential candidates as part of its recruitment and selection process, then, by conducting interviews and applying personality and professional tests, it determines who it recommends to fill the advertised position.

To ensure that detailed candidate data is only forwarded in the context of recruitment and mediation, which the candidate is aware of and has voluntarily provided, the Data Controller wishes to make its entire data management transparent. The purpose of the Data Controller is for the Data Subject to have sufficient information about data processing based on the consent of the candidate and the legitimate interest of the Data Controller.

You can read the data management details of the recruitment and selection process below.

Scope of processed dataIn addition to the data provided during the quick application or general registration, we handle the following data during the recruitment and selection process:


  1. interview result, description
  2. result of the reference check

If the candidate agrees, the Data Controller is entitled to contact the candidate’s former employers for reference checks. Refusal to give consent may not result in the exclusion of the candidate from the selection process or in a negative assessment.

  1. specific professional tests and their results
  2. personal data provided on the general application form:
  • Family and first name
  • Date of birth
  • Tax identification number;
  • Social security number 
  • Citizenship
  • Identity card number
  • From what source did the request come?
  • Preferred working hours
  • Has a license?
  • Note
  • Sex
  • Language skills
  • Mailing address
  • Birth name
  • Jobs

The Data Controller does not necessarily handle all the data listed above, but there are data that the Data Subject must provide in order to use the service and that the Data Controller can provide the service to the Data Subject. These will be indicated during the registration process. The data provided above may be forwarded by the Data Controller to the Customer within the framework of the recruitment and selection process based on the consent given during the application.

The Data Controller does not oblige the Data Subject to provide any Special Data unless it is necessary to perform the job. If the candidate provides Special Data to the Data Controller based on his/her own decision during the registration (for example, data on religious or worldview beliefs, health data, biometric data) the Data Controller will handle it only to the extent that it is relevant for the establishment, fulfillment, or termination of the employment; it ignores all other data during decision-making (General Data Protection Regulation Article 9 Paragraph (2) points b) and h).

Purpose of data managementFinding and selecting the right workforce for the advertised position.
Legal basis for data management, additional conditionThe Data Controller may manage the Data Subject’s personal data if:


  1. The Data Subject consents to the processing of personal data (Article 6 paragraph (1) point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation

The candidate individually consents to the transmission of data to the Client to obtain a successful placement and consents to the contact arising during the reference check.

  1. In the case of processing Special Data – the processing of Personal Data is based on the express consent of the Data Subject and then on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller (Article 6 paragraph (1) points a) and f) of the General Data Protection Regulation – further condition – Article 9. paragraph (2) point a).
  1. The processing of personal data is necessary to enforce the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or a third party (Article 6 paragraph (1) point f):

The Data Controller may transmit the candidate’s name and identification data to the Customer during the so-called “name check” procedure. The purpose of the “name check” procedure is to identify whether the given Client already has information about the candidate from its own sources.

Duration of data management2 years from registration
Joint data controllers, contractual partnersDuring the recruitment and selection process, Delego Személyzeti Kft. jointly manages Personal Data with Delego Consulting Kft., about the recruitment and selection process provided by Delego Consulting Kft., they are considered joint data controllers concerning all data defined above.


If the candidate is selected by the Data Controller, the Client can learn about the candidate’s Personal Data, as follows:

  • In the case of labour hire, the borrowing employer can access the Personal Data of the candidate based on the agreement between the Data Controller and the borrowing employer. 
  • The client of the labour agency agreement can access the data based on the labour placement assignment concluded with the Data Controller. 
  • Data on reduced work capacity can be only given to the Client if the Client can prove the legal basis and legal purpose of the processing of this Special Data. Delego companies are also considered recipients of this provision.
  • In the recruitment and selection process, the subcontractor of Delego Személyzeti Kft., HRSzoftver Kft., also participates as a data processor in the processing of Personal Data. The data processor only provides the technical support, maintenance, and development support necessary for the software operation of the database, it has access to the data appearing in the database but does not carry out any further data management activities.  

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (South County Business Park, One Microsoft Court, Carmanhall and Leopardstown, Dublin, D18 DH6K, Ireland) within the framework of the Exchange Online subscriber agreement, the Data Controller stores personal data in the system provided by Microsoft Exchange. 

IIT Network Kft. (headquarters: 2072 Zsámbék, Kálvária str. 6., company registration number: Cg.13-09-167252) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

Web-N Bt. (headquarters: 5100 Jászberény, Szövetkezet Road 5. 3/33., company registration number: 16-06-008797) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

During the selection process, the Data Controller may forward the candidate’s data to the Customer as follows:

  • as part of the so-called “name check” procedure the candidate’s name, place and time of birth or name, residence, and tax ID are transmitted for the partner to identify whether the candidate is already included in its database;
  • if the recruitment and selection process is successful and Delego’s employees consider the candidate suitable for the position, the candidate’s description is sent to the Client, which includes the candidate’s name, address, and detailed description (curriculum vitae and its explanation).

Please note that we no longer have the possibility to control the further use of personal data managed by the Data Controller’s Customers, and although we take all normally expected steps to prevent unauthorized use, the personal data may be handled by third parties in a different way than the Data Controller. The Data Controller has no influence whatsoever on how the Clients use the personal data, accordingly, we exclude to the fullest extent possible any responsibility for any damage or disadvantage resulting from their further use by such third parties. The Data Subject expressly acknowledges this disclaimer of liability.

We recommend that you only use the Data Controller’s recruitment and selection service if you have been aware of this risk and under no circumstances provide or publish any personal data or information that you do not wish to share with others.

3.3 Recruitment and selection process for non-leased employees of the Data Controller

During the recruitment and selection process, the Data Controller strives to find the most suitable candidate for the Data Controller.

The method of publishing the advertisements, the scope of the processed data, the purpose and duration of the data management, and the internal recruitment and selection procedure are the same as described in 3.2 points with the difference that the candidate’s Personal Data will not be forwarded to the Clients, furthermore, that data management is necessary to take steps at the employee’s request prior to the conclusion of the employment contract (Article 6 paragraph (1) point b) of the General Data Protection Regulation).

3.4 Special rules for data management in labour hire services and other employment relationships (own staff)

Labour hire is the service in the framework of which Delego Személyzeti Kft. (Data Controller) as a lender temporarily transfers an employee who is employed for the purpose of a loan to the borrower for work in return for a consideration (Mt. 214. § paragraph (1) point a).

During the data management of labour hire, we separate two phases:

  • the recruitment and selection process is presented in point 3.2. (which is carried out jointly by Delego Consulting Kft. and Delego Személyzeti Kft.);
  • data management detailed below during the conclusion and maintenance of the employment established for labour hire and after its termination, during which the Data Controller (lender as an employer) manages the following data

In the case of its own staff, the current employer processes the data for its own employees in the same process, with the difference that it does not forward the personal data to its Customers.

Scope of processed data
  1. surname
  2. first name
  3. birth name
  4. place and time of birth 
  5. mother’s birth name
  6. type of identification document (e.g., ID card) and number
  7. social security number
  8. tax identification number
  9. citizenship
  10. registered place of residence
  11. place of residence (mailing address)
  12. bank account number
  13. marital status
  14. the name, age, tax identification number, and the number of dependent children
  15. e-mail address
  16. phone number (mobile, landline)
  17. photo
  18. data regarding studies
  19. opinion on job suitability
  20. data about workplaces, including information about the duration of time spent with borrowers, which we can also obtain from the borrower
  21. trade union membership 
  22. data on foreign language skills
  23. information on reduced work capacity 
  24. other information typically included in a CV, such as references/opinions from third parties, leisure activities, certificates, diplomas, recognitions, awards, and other documents and the information provided in them
  25. other information typically required for payroll and insurance, for example, social security booklet, certificates and other documents issued by the previous employee, certificates issued by the employment center, study certificates, start card, decree issued by the National Rehabilitation and Social Expert Institute (ORSZI), private pension fund membership, and a decree issued by a pension insurance company.
  26. activity-related assessment 
Purpose of data managementIn the case of labour hire, the purpose of the data management is that employees employed by the Data Controller shall be loaned out to the Data Controller’s Clients, namely borrowing employers and that the Data Controller can fulfill its obligations as an employer and can fulfill the obligations assumed in the agreements related to the employment. Given the fact that, in the case of labour hire, the employment is established between the Data Controller and the Data Subject, the Data Controller must therefore manage all the above-mentioned personal data that is necessary for the creation and maintenance of the employment.


In the case of employment (internal staff) established with the Data Controller, the purpose of data management is to enable the Data Controller to fulfill its obligations as an employer and fulfill its obligations under the employment contract.

Legal basis for data management, additional conditionThe Data Controller may process the personal data of the data subject if:


  1. The data subject consents to the processing of Personal Data (Article 6 paragraph (1) point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation)
  2. the processing of Personal Data is necessary for the fulfillment of agreements related to the employment and for taking steps at the request of the employee before the conclusion of the agreement (Article 6 paragraph (1) point b) of the General Data Protection Regulation)
  3. The processing of Personal Data is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the Data Controller – in the case of joint data management, to additional joint data controllers (Article 6 paragraph (1) point c) of the General Data Protection Regulation)
  4. the processing of Personal Data is necessary to assert the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or the borrower (Article 6 paragraph (1) point f) of the General Data Protection Regulation), and in the case of processing Special Data based on the Data Subject’s consent (Article 9 paragraph (2) point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation).
Duration of data managementAll documents created in connection with the employment – if they are not necessary for the achievement of other goals – are processed by the Data Controller up to the employment law limitation period (3 years) from the termination of the employment to assert any demands and rights.


The retention period of individual documents containing personal data for all documents related to rights and obligations related to employment (labour hiring) and thus are related to the rights and obligations of the Data Controller in connection with the contract concluded with the Customer last until the general limitation period of civil law (5 years). 

Within this, if the document is related to a tax payment obligation or tax relief (it serves to support it), the retention period, unlike the previous one, lasts until the expiry of the tax assessment right (usually until the 6th year following the tax year). 

Within this, if the document is also classified as a document subject to strict accounting, then the retention period, unlike the previous ones, is 8 years.

The retention period for employment documents related to the insurance relationship of the person concerned (insured, former insured) and containing data on the length of service or earnings taken into account when determining pension benefits is 5 years after reaching the old age pension age applicable to the person concerned.

Data is handled in connection with changed working capacity until the 5th year after termination of employment.

Recipients of data management, contractual partnersIn the case of employment established with the Data Controller, the Data Controller transfers the employees’ data to authorities (e.g., NAV, MÁK, ONYF) based on the relevant legislation. 


In the case of labour hire, we may transfer personal data to the borrowing employer to ensure the rights and fulfill the obligations of the governing legislation, in particular, the Mt and the Government Decree. In the case of labour hire, the Data Controller and the borrowing employer can enter into a joint data management agreement. Based on the joint data management agreement, the Joint Data Controllers jointly manage personal data related to labour hire and jointly determine the purpose and means of data management. The purpose of joint data management is to provide the highest possible level of service to the persons concerned, as well as to promote communication between the Joint Data Controllers to implement more efficient labour hire, as well as to comply with legal requirements.

Joint data management typically involves the following data during labour hire:

  • Data included in the notification (T1041) submitted to the state tax authority about the start of the insurance relationship;
  • Data related to working hours (e.g., attendance sheet, holidays, etc.);
  • Data related to wage payment (e.g., wage payment titles, amounts);
  • Personal data related to damage caused to the borrower or third parties.

Labour administration is managed by the Data Controller with the assistance of Delego Consulting Kft. through the BaBér software. The BaBér software is developed by Soft Consulting Hungary Zrt. (headquarters: 1113 Budapest, Karolina Road 65. I. floor.; company registration number: 01-10-046490), who is considered a data processor for the Data Controller. The data processor only provides the technical support required for the software operation of the database, as well as support for maintenance, development, and error correction, it has limited access to the data appearing in the database during the performance of its support activities but does not carry out any further data management activities.

During the labour hire, Delego Consulting Kft., as the data processor of the Data Controller, performs administrative tasks related to the establishment of employment, payroll of employees already in employment, and administrative and marketing activities related to employment and operations.

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (South County Business Park, One Microsoft Court, Carmanhall and Leopardstown, Dublin, D18 DH6K, Ireland) within the framework of the Exchange Online subscriber agreement, the Data Controller stores personal data in the system provided by Microsoft Exchange. 

IIT Network Kft. (headquarters: 2072 Zsámbék, Kálvária str. 6., company registration number: Cg.13-09-167252) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

Personal data of employees with a reduced working capacity is managed by Optimum Munkapróba Központ Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 1191 Budapest, Üllői road 200., company registration number: Cg.01-09-274105), as Rehabilitation consultant and mentor according to 327/2012. (XI.16.) government decree.

Please note that we no longer have the possibility to control the further use of personal data managed by the Data Controller’s Customers, and although we take all normally expected steps to prevent unauthorized use, the personal data may be handled by third parties in a different way than the Data Controller. The Data Controller has no influence whatsoever on how the Clients use the personal data, accordingly, we exclude to the fullest extent possible any responsibility for any damage or disadvantage resulting from their further use by such third parties. The Data Subject expressly acknowledges this disclaimer of liability.

3.4.1. Data management related to the users of the HR Software

As part of a data management software pass, HRSzoftver ( software is used for online recruitment, whose users (the Data Subjects) are employees of the Data Controller performing such recruitment. The HR Software continuously logs the users’ activities for statements and reports, as well as for internal control by the Data Controller. All users can access this data but cannot modify it. The HR software stores cookies on the user’s computer for the purpose of personalizing the functions and noting the user’s settings. The HR Software stores the last search settings in the form of cookies according to user activity (e.g., project filters) as well as the recommendation summarizing the HR Software updates that have already been viewed (e.g., support links). Cookies are thus used solely for convenience purposes and no other data is collected.

3.4.2. Data management related to iTrack GPS tracking

As part of a service contract, the Data Controller uses iData Limited Liability Company’s iTrack GPS tracking service for work organization, and the Data Controller provides the cars it gives for the use of its employees (hereinafter: cars) with a GPS tracking device. Concerning the GPS service, employees using cars are considered Data Subjects. The functions of the iTrack GPS tracking service provide the opportunity for the Data Controller to be constantly aware of the vehicle’s location, road record, and the number of kilometres travelled, to make work organization and real-time planning simpler and easier. On the part of the Data Controller, the head of the given unit and the top management (executive) can access this data but cannot modify it. 

Scope of processed dataThe iTrack GPS service has the following functions:


  1. online positioning 
  2. route map display
  3. typical route reports
  4. route statistics
  5. speed graph
  6. details of speeding
  7. replay of the route taken on the map
  8. departure and arrival time
  9. downtimes
  10. kilometres travelled

Based on this, the Data Controller manages the following data:

  1. location
  2. the route taken
  3. route record
  4. details of speed and speeding
  5. departure, arrival, and idle times
  6. number of kilometres travelled
Purpose of data managementThe Data Controller processes the specified Personal Data for real-time planning, i.e., for the logistical purpose of determining the position of the vehicle for work organization reasons. From the point of view of work organization, the employer must know where the employee goes during working hours. In addition, the purpose of data management is to prove, in the event of disputes that may arise, that the work obligations were not fulfilled by the employee. 


Among the functions of the iTrack GPS service, the speed graph, the detailing of the speeding function, and the associated data management are used exclusively because the functions of the GPS tracking device together form the tracking service developed in advance by iData Kft., the content of which cannot be restricted by the Data Controller.  The recording of this data within the service cannot be turned off, however, this data is not used by the Data Controller, and the Company has no purpose with this data. There is no automatic decision-making or profiling at the Company.

Legal basis for data managementThe processing of Personal Data is based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller as an employer (General Data Protection Regulation Act 6. paragraph (1) point f)).
Duration of data managementThe Data Controller manages the data for 1 year from the date of their creation.
Recipients of data management, data processors, contractual partnersPersonal data is managed exclusively by the Data Controller.


In data management, iData Kft. acts as a data processor.

3.4.3. Data management related to exit interviews

 In the event of termination of the employment, the Data Controller, as an employer, may conduct an interview with the departing employees – based on their consent. The purpose of the exit interview is twofold. On the one hand, the departing employee can report on the experiences and insights gained in the relationship with the Data Controller. Based on the information received from the data subject, the Data Controller can make future decisions in the areas of reducing fluctuation, optimizing HR processes, improving the employer’s perception, and improving employment conditions. Project managers and top management (executives) can access the data handled during the interview by the Data Controller, but they cannot change them.

Details of data management are provided in the table below:

Scope of processed dataThe Data Controller manages the following Personal Data in connection with data management:


  • Name of the departing employee;
  • The position held by the departing employee at the new workplace;
  • The location of the new workplace, the operating sector of the new employer;
  • Agreed salary and other benefits of the departing employee;
  • Reason for choosing a new workplace;
  • The nature of the employment established with a new employer („borrowed” or „internal”)
  • Expectations related to a new job;
  • Additional information provided in the questionnaire;
Purpose of data managementThe purpose of data management is to optimize the Data Controller’s HR processes and to reduce and stop fluctuation.
Legal basis for data managementThe processing of Personal Data is based on the Data Subject’s consent (Article 6 paragraph (1) point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation).
Duration of data managementThe Data Controller manages the data for 6 months from the date of their creation. 
Recipients of data management, data processors, contractual partnersPersonal Data is managed exclusively by the Data Controller.


In the case of leased employees, the data will only be provided anonymously to the Borrower.  The Data Controller, with the cooperation of Delego Consulting Kft., manages the declaration of consent and the results of the interview, which are part of the labour administration, through the BaBér software.  The BaBér software is developed by Soft Consulting Hungary Zrt.  (headquarters: 1113 Budapest, Karolina Road 65. I. floor.; company registration number: 01-10-046490) who is considered a data processor of the Data Controller. The data processor only provides the technical support, maintenance, development, and error correction support required for the software operation of the database, it has limited access to the data appearing in the database, during the performance of its support activities, but does not carry out any further data management activities.

3.5 Special rules for data management in the labour hiring

Labour hiring means the service that aims to facilitate the meeting of job seekers and employers to establish a legal relationship for employment (based on 2. § para. (1) point a) of the Government Decree). In other words, Delego (Data Controller) carries out the recruitment and selection activities for Clients associated with Delego Személyzeti Kft. or Delego Consulting Kft., as described in point 3.2.

3.6 Data management by the Data Controller concerning third-country nationals

3.6.1 Candidate database – data management arising in connection with services that facilitate candidate placement

The Data Controller manages the Personal Data necessary for its service, which builds a candidate database from the Personal Data provided by third-country national candidates within the framework of its activities. 

The primary goal of the Data Controller is, on the one hand, to facilitate the provision of its labour hiring service at a high level, on the other hand, that third-country nationals can be informed about new projects and additional positions even after the implementation of the given project, so the people concerned can find a job that suits them faster and easier. 

Regarding the Personal Data included in the candidate database Delego Személyzeti Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft. are considered Joint Data Controllers.

Details of data management in connection with the candidate database can be read below.

Scope of processed data
  • name
  • date of birth
  • place of birth
  • mobile phone number
  • e-mail address
  • region
  • town
  • professional experience
  • gross salary expectation/month
  • wanted position
  • interest in job opportunities with accommodation
  • CV
Purpose of data managementIn the case of building a candidate database, the purpose of data management is to facilitate the recruitment and selection process for both the Data Controller and the Clients.
Legal basis for data management, additional conditionThe data subject consents to the processing of personal data (Article 6 paragraph (1) point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation):


The third-country candidate has the opportunity to register in the Data Controller’s candidate database in order for the Data Controller to be able to reach out to the third-country candidate in connection with job opportunities in the future and to be recommended to the Clients in the event of a successful recruitment and selection process.

The Data Controller does not oblige the Data Subject to provide any Special Data unless the Special Data is absolutely necessary for the performance of the job. If the candidate provides Special Data to the Data Controller based on his/her own decision during the registration (for example, data on religious or worldview beliefs, health data, biometric data) the Data Controller will handle it only to the extent that it is relevant for the establishment, fulfillment, or termination of the employment; it ignores all other data during decision-making (General Data Protection Regulation Article 9 Paragraph (2) points b) and h).

Duration of data management2 years from registration.
Data providerThe recruitment and selection of third-country nationals for the Data Controller are carried out by BS Human Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 2461 Tárnok, Ötház puszta 1. Building A.; company registration number: 13-09-196188, hereinafter: BS Human Kft.) based on the human outsourcing contract concluded between them, therefore, BS Human Kft. transfers data relating to third-country nationals to the Data Controller.
Joint data controllers, contractual partnersThe candidate database and the personal data contained in it are jointly managed by Delego Személyzeti Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft., so during the data management activity, they will be Joint Data Controllers. The purpose of joint data management is for Delego to find the most suitable position and employment method for the Data Subject. The Joint Data Controllers have access to the entire database.


The subcontractor of Delego Consulting Kft. is also involved in building the candidate database. This subcontractor is considered a data processor based on data protection rules.

Such data processor is HRSzoftver Kft. (Headquarters: 2045, Törökbálint, Kossuth Lajos street 40., company registration number: 13-09-190859), which operates the candidate database management software. The data processor only provides the technical support, maintenance, and development support necessary for the software operation of the database, it has access to the data appearing in the database but does not carry out any further data management activities. 

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (South County Business Park, One Microsoft Court, Carmanhall and Leopardstown, Dublin, D18 DH6K, Ireland) within the framework of the Exchange Online subscriber agreement, the Data Controller stores personal data in the system provided by Microsoft Exchange. 

IIT Network Kft. (headquarters: 2072 Zsámbék, Kálvária str. 6., company registration number: Cg.13-09-167252) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

Web-N Bt. (headquarters: 5100 Jászberény, Szövetkezet Road 5. 3/33., company registration number: 16-06-008797) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

The call center customer service system is provided by VCC Live Hungary Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 1112 Budapest, Balatoni Road 2/A. 5. Floor., company registration number: 01-09-735941) for the Data Controller.

The candidate database and the personal data contained in it are jointly managed by Delego Személyzeti Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft., so during the data management activity, they will be Joint Data Controllers. The purpose of joint data management is for Delego to find the most suitable position and employment method for the Data Subject. The Joint Data Controllers have access to the entire database.

  • Recruitment and selection process in the case of labour hire for third-country nationals

During the recruitment and selection process, the Data Controller strives to find the most suitable workplace for third-country national candidates and to mediate the most suitable candidate for employment for its Clients. 

The Data Controller’s data management related to the recruitment and selection of third-country nationals can be differentiated according to whether the recruitment and selection activities are carried out by BS Human Kft. or the Data Controller. 

If the recruitment and selection activities are carried out by BS Human Kft. for the Data Controller based on the labour hire contract, the Personal Data relating to third-country nationals is transferred to the Data Controller by BS Human Kft. and in this case BS Human Kft. acts as an independent data controller during its activities. 

If the recruitment and selection activity is carried out by the Data Controller, its activities are governed by the data management rules of the general recruitment and selection process. 

The details of the Data Controller’s handling of personal data relating to third-country nationals are recorded in the table below:

Scope of processed dataDuring the recruitment and selection process, the Data Controller manages the following data:


  1. interview result, description
  2. result of the reference check
  3. specific professional tests and their results
  4. tax identification number
  5. social security number
  6. first and surname
  7. date of birth
  8. citizenship
  9. place of birth
  10. mother’s birth first and surname
  11. identity card number
  12. from what source did the request come?
  13. preferred working hours
  14. has a license?
  15. note
  16. sex
  17. language skills
  18. mailing address
  19. birth name
  20. jobs
  21. copy of passport
  22. a statement confirming the existence of the conditions for employment without a permit (stay not exceeding 90 days within 180 days)

Not all of the data listed above is managed by the Data Controller for all Data Subjects; certain data are only processed if they are necessary for the provision of the Data Controller’s services to the Data Subject, or if the Data Subject has them.

The Data Controller does not oblige the Data Subject to provide any Special Data unless it is necessary to perform the job. If the candidate provides Special Data to the Data Controller based on his/her own decision during the registration (for example, data on religious or worldview beliefs, health data, biometric data) the Data Controller will handle it only to the extent that it is relevant for the establishment, fulfillment, or termination of the employment; it ignores all other data during decision-making (General Data Protection Regulation Article 9 Paragraph (2) points b) and h).

Purpose of data managementThe purpose of data management is to find, qualify and select the right workforce for the advertised position, as well as to raise the standard of the Data Controller’s service.
Legal basis for data managementIf the recruitment and selection process is carried out by the Data Controller:


  1. the Data Subject consents to the processing of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation Article 6 paragraph (1) point a).

The candidate consents to data transfer for Clients for successful placement and consents to make contact arising reference check.

  1. In the case of processing Special Data – the processing of Personal Data is based on the express consent of the Data Subject and then on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller as an employer (General Data Protection Regulation Article 6 paragraph (1) points a) and f) – additional condition – Article 9 paragraph (2) point a)).
  1. The processing of Personal Data is necessary to enforce the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or a third party (Article 6 paragraph (1) point f) of the General Data Protection Regulation):

The Data Controller may transmit the candidate’s name and identification data to the Customer during the so-called “name check” procedure. The purpose of the “name check” procedure is to identify whether the given Client already has information about the candidate from its own sources.

Duration of data management2 years from registration. 
Recipients of data management, contractual partnersIn the case of labour hire, the borrowing employer may access the Personal Data of the candidate based on the agreement between the Data Controller and the borrowing employer. 


In the recruitment and selection process, the subcontractor of the Data Controller, HRSzoftver Kft., also participates in the processing of Personal Data as a data processor. The data processor only provides the technical support, maintenance, and development support necessary for the software operation of the database, it has access to the data appearing in the database but does not carry out any further data management activities. 

Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (South County Business Park, One Microsoft Court, Carmanhall and Leopardstown, Dublin, D18 DH6K, Ireland) within the framework of the Exchange Online subscriber agreement, the Data Controller stores personal data in the system provided by Microsoft Exchange. 

IIT Network Kft. (headquarters: 2072 Zsámbék, Kálvária str. 6., company registration number: Cg.13-09-167252) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

Web-N Bt. (headquarters: 5100 Jászberény, Szövetkezet Road 5. 3/33., company registration number: 16-06-008797) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

3.6.2 Special data management rules for the employment of third-country nationals in the framework of labour hire

Delego Személyzeti Szolgáltató Kft. as an employer, acts on its own behalf to fulfill its legal obligations when applying for the social security identification number of a third country, in this respect, it is considered an independent data controller.

The data management related to the employment of third-country national employees can be divided into the following phases:

  • recruitment-selection activity presented in point 3.6.2., which is carried out by BS Human as an independent data controller for the Data Controller, or the Data Controller performs the recruitment-selection activity independently;
  • establishment, maintenance, and termination of employment for the purpose of labour hire, when the Data Controller, as a lending employer, manages the following data:
Scope of processed data
  1. surname
  2. first name
  3. birth name
  4. place and time of birth
  5. mother’s birth name
  6. type of identification document (e.g., ID card) and its number
  7. social security number
  8. tax identification number
  9. citizenship
  10. registered place of residence
  11. place of residence/accommodation (mailing address)
  12. bank account number
  13. marital status
  14. name, age, tax number, and number of dependent children
  15. e-mail address
  16. phone number (mobile, landline)
  17. photo
  18. data on studies
  19. data about workplaces, including information about the length of time spent with borrowers, which we can also obtain from the borrower
  20. data on foreign language skills
  21. information on the exclusion factors measured for the medical suitability requirements of the given position
  22. other information typically included in a CV, such as references/opinions from third parties, leisure activities, certificates, diplomas, recognitions, awards, and other documents and the information provided in them
  23. trade union membership
  24. other information typically required for payroll and insurance, for example, social security booklet, certificates and other documents issued by the previous employee, certificates issued by the employment center, study certificates, start card, a decree issued by the National Rehabilitation and Social Expert Institute (ORSZI), private pension fund membership, and a decree issued by a pension insurance company
  25. activity-related assessment
  26. copy of passport
  27. copy of the birth certificate (in case of dual citizens)
Purpose of data managementIn the case of labour hire, the purpose of the data management is that employees employed by the Data Controller shall be loaned out to the Data Controller’s Clients, namely borrowing employers and that the Data Controller can fulfill its obligations as an employer and can fulfill the obligations assumed in the agreements related to the employment. Given the fact that, in the case of labour hire, the employment is established between the Data Controller and the Data Subject, the Data Controller must therefore manage all the above-mentioned personal data that is necessary for the creation and maintenance of the employment.
Legal basis for data management, additional conditionThe Data Controller may process the personal data of the data subject if:


  1. the processing of Personal Data is necessary for the fulfillment of agreements related to the employment and for taking steps at the request of the employee before the conclusion of the agreement (Article 6 paragraph (1) point b) of the General Data Protection Regulation);
  2. the processing of Personal Data is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the Data Controller (Article 6 paragraph (1) point c) of the General Data Protection Regulation;
  3. the processing of Personal Data is necessary to assert the legitimate interests of the Data Controller or the borrower (Article 6 paragraph (1) point f) of the General Data Protection Regulation), and in the case of processing Special Data based on the Data Subject’s consent (Article 9 paragraph (2) point a) of the General Data Regulation).
Duration of data managementAll documents created in connection with the employment – if they are not necessary for the achievement of other goals – are processed by the Data Controller up to the employment law limitation period (3 years) from the termination of the employment to assert any demands and rights.


The retention period of individual documents containing personal data for all documents related to rights and obligations related to employment (labour hiring) and thus are related to the rights and obligations of the Data Controller in connection with the contract concluded with the Customer last until the general limitation period of civil law (5 years). 

Within this, if the document is related to a tax payment obligation or tax relief (it serves to support it), the retention period, unlike the previous one, lasts until the expiry of the tax assessment right (usually until the 6th year following the tax year). 

Within this, if the document is also classified as a document subject to strict accounting, then the retention period, unlike the previous ones, is 8 years.

The retention period for employment documents related to the insurance relationship of the person concerned (insured, former insured) and containing data on the length of service or earnings taken into account when determining pension benefits is 5 years after reaching the old age pension age applicable to the person concerned.

The Data Controller is obliged to keep a copy of the valid residence permit or other residence permit presented by the Data Subject for the duration of the employment. 

Recipients of data management, contractual partnersIn the case of employment established with the Data Controller, the Data Controller transfers the employees’ data to authorities (e.g., NAV, MÁK, ONYF) based on the relevant legislation. The notification to the OIF is carried out by the Data Controller’s data processor, BS Human Kft., both in connection with employment without a license and on the basis of a combined license. 


In the case of labour hire, we may transfer personal data to the borrowing employer to ensure the rights and fulfill the obligations of the governing legislation. In the case of labour hire, the Data Controller and the borrowing employer can enter into a joint data management agreement. Based on the joint data management agreement, the Joint Data Controllers jointly manage personal data related to labour hire and jointly determine the purpose and means of data management. The purpose of joint data management is to provide the highest possible level of service to the persons concerned, as well as to promote communication between the Joint Data Controllers to implement more efficient labour hire, as well as to comply with legal requirements.

Joint data management typically involves the following data during labour hire:

  • Data included in the notification (T1041) submitted to the state tax authority about the start of the insurance relationship;
  • Data related to working hours (e.g., attendance sheet, holidays, etc.);
  • Data related to wage payment (e.g., wage payment titles, amounts);
  • Personal data related to damage caused to the borrower or third parties;
  • Data on the Data Subject’s medical fitness;
  • Data concerning the Data Subject’s native language and language skills.

Labour administration is managed by the Data Controller with the assistance of Delego Consulting Kft. through the BaBér software. The BaBér software is developed by Soft Consulting Hungary Zrt. (headquarters: 1113 Budapest, Karolina Road 65. I. floor.; company registration number: 01-10-046490), who is considered a data processor for the Data Controller. The data processor only provides the technical support required for the software operation of the database, as well as support for maintenance, development, and error correction, it has limited access to the data appearing in the database during the performance of its support activities but does not carry out any further data management activities.

During the labour hire, Delego Consulting Kft., as the data processor of the Data Controller, performs administrative tasks related to the establishment of employment, payroll of employees already in employment, and administrative and marketing activities related to employment and operations.

Based on its legitimate interest, the Data Controller forwards some of the Personal Data of the employees hired and employed by the Data Controller to the partner of the accommodation provider to provide accommodation.

3.7 Data management related to the use of the Website

When using the Website, we collect and manage certain types of data, for the purpose of visitor data (statistical purpose) and to enhance the user experience. In addition, certain functions of the labor hire and recruitment service can also be used online via the Website.

Scope of processed data
  1. IP address
  2. approximate geographical location
  3. type of the operating system
  4. type of the browser
  5. activity on the Website
Purpose of data managementThe data collected in connection with the use of the Website are primarily processed for analytical purposes, as well as to enhance the user experience, and measure and further develop the efficiency of the service.
Legal basis for data managementThe data subject consents to the processing of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation Article 6 paragraph (1) point a).
Duration of data managementWe process personal data until withdrawal, namely until the Data Subject requests the deletion of their data. Backups are made of the entire Website, including personal data, at certain intervals, which are stored for a maximum of 365 days. After this period, the saves will be deleted. Backups are stored by the Data Controller’s data processors indicated below.
Recipients of data management, contractual partnersSubcontractors of the Data Controller also participate in the technical operation of the Website. These subcontractors are considered data processors based on data protection rules. Such data processor is HRSzoftver Kft. (headquarters: 2045, Törökbálint, Kossuth Lajos street 40., company registration number: 13-09-190859).


Dániel Krisztián e.v. (headquarters: 5700 Gyula, Pósteleki str. 38. 3/10.) performs tasks for the Data Controller in the context of the continuous maintenance of the Website and the operation of the system within the framework of which he can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller, but he does not perform any data management operations on them.

IIT Network Kft. (headquarters: 2072 Zsámbék, Kálvária str. 6., company registration number: Cg.13-09-167252) executes ad hoc software maintenance contracts, within the framework of which it can access the personal data managed by the Data Controller. The service provider does not perform any additional data management operations on personal data.

Data transfer to a third countryThe data controller (data processor) transfers data to a third country. The data transfer can only take place if the (sub)data processor undertakes the general contractual conditions specified by the European Commission referred to in Article 46 paragraph (2) of the Regulation. If you have further questions about data transfer guarantees, please contact the Data Controller.

About cookies in general

Cookies are text files that allow the Website or other computer server to identify your computer and store your personal preferences and technical data, such as click-throughs and other navigational data. The navigation data (click stream) shows which pages were visited and in which order. Cookies can also be used to determine which advertisements are displayed on the Website and to measure their effectiveness. We use cookies to personalize your visit to our Website (e.g. recognize you when you return to our Website), analyze Website traffic, and track user trends, patterns, and selections, which apply to downloads and technical conditions related to the use of the Website. This helps us to improve the appearance and content of the Website so that it meets the expectations of users as much as possible. Cookies can be permanent (they remain on your computer until you delete them) or temporary (they are only valid until you close your browser).

We may also use web beacons or similar technologies that monitor the use of our Website and show us which pages you visit on our Website. These are also called clear GIF files. Web beacons or web bugs are short lines of code that place an image on the Website to transmit data such as the IP address of the computer that downloaded the page, on which the web beacon appears, as well as the URL (address) of the page, the time the page containing the web beacon was viewed, the type of browser that downloaded the web beacon and the identification number of cookies previously placed on the computer by the given server. If we contact you via an HTML-capable email message, the web beacons inform us whether you have received or opened our message.

If you provide us with your personal data (e.g. through registration), this can be linked to anonymous data stored in cookies and/or web beacons. The information generated in this way is handled for analytical purposes, to measure the efficiency of the service, and to further develop it.

The Website uses functional, statistical, and marketing cookies. 

  • Functional cookies enable the Website to remember which mode of operation the user has chosen (e.g.: Hungarian or English version of the website is used, if the barrier-free version is chosen, how many results should appear in the search results list at the same time, etc.). 
  • Statistical cookies provide feedback to the website owner about what content users like on the Website. The data is not linked to a specific person. 
  • Marketing cookies track users across websites, for example by displaying ads, all to show the users relevant content.

The website uses the following cookies:

Name of the Cookie Type of the Cookie The function of the CookieExpiry
wpglobus-languageFunctionalDefines the language preferred by the user on the Website. When you visit the Website again, you allow the Website to set your preferred language.1 year
wpglobus-language-oldFunctionalDefines the language preferred by the user on the Website. When you visit the Website again, you allow the Website to set your preferred language.1 year
_gaStatisticalThe cookie is used by Google Analytics, the purpose of which is to collect statistical data. The cookie assigns a unique identifier to each user to compile statistics on the user’s habits on the site.2 years
_gatStatisticalThe cookie is used by Google Analytics, the purpose of which is to collect statistical data. The cookie is used to control the frequency of the request – limiting data collection on high-traffic websites.1 day
_gidStatisticalThe cookie is used by Google Analytics, the purpose of which is to collect statistical data. The cookie assigns a unique identifier to each user to compile statistics on the user’s habits on the site.1 day
__fb_chat_pluginMarketingTracks the user’s interaction with the Website’s Facebook chat widgetPermanent
_fbpMarketingThe cookie is used by Facebook, the purpose of which is to display Facebook ads.3 months



MarketingThe cookie collects data from multiple websites about user behavior to show them relevant ads. The cookie allows the Website to limit the number of times it shows the same advertisement to users.Session


(until the end of the session)

frMarketingThe cookie is used by Facebook, the purpose of which is to display Facebook ads.3 months


MarketingA software module that supplements the basic software of the browser used by the user.Permanent
trMarketingThe cookie is used by Facebook, the purpose of which is to display Facebook ads.Session (until the end of the session)

When entering the Website, you can accept or refuse cookies. If you wish, you can set your browser to disable/block cookies. By setting your email client or browser to display HTML emails as text only, you can prevent the use of certain web beacons. Please see the “Help” menu item of your email client or browser for more information. However, certain services on the Website can only be accessed through the use of cookies or similar devices, so you should be aware that blocking cookies or similar devices will prevent you from accessing certain of our content and services, in other words, in case of blocking, you cannot use the service, or you can use it only to a limited extent.

In the case of the most frequently used browsers, the method of blocking cookies is described on the following websites:

– Mozilla Firefox:

– Microsoft Internet Explorer:

– Google Chrome:

– Apple Safari:

In the case of cookies used by Google Analytics, a browser add-on published by Google is available to disable these cookies. Detailed information about this is available at the link below: .

The websites, information, and add-ons (programs) available at the above links are completely independent of the Website and its provider, therefore the Data Controller assumes no responsibility for its availability or use.

3.8 Request for proposals

On the Website, the Customer has the opportunity to request an offer from the Data Controller concerning some of Delego’s services (labour hire, human outsourcing, simplified employment, student work, HR consulting, and payroll). The Personal Data included in the requests for proposals are handled by Delego Személyzeti Kft. and Delego Consulting Kft. as Joint Data Controllers.

Scope of processed data
  1. company name*
  2. address*
  3. name of contact person*
  4. e-mail address*
  5. name of the positions to be filled
  6. other personal data found in the message

Entering data marked with * is mandatory.

Purpose of data managementTo contact and maintain contact between the Data Controller and the person requesting the proposal.
Legal basis for data managementThe processing of personal data is necessary to assert the legitimate interests of the Data Controller (General Data Protection Regulation Article 6 paragraph (1) point f).
Duration of data managementWe process personal data for as long as it is justified due to contact related to the contract concluded with the Customer.
Recipients of data management, contractual partnersThe personal data processed during the request for proposal and the provision of services by the Data Controller based on it are handled exclusively by the Data Controller.


Personal data processed for data management specified in this point will not be transferred to other third parties.

  • What rights and options for asserting claims are available to the data subject?
  1. Right to be informed

The Data Subject has the right to access their data and request information about the data managed by the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management – by the Joint Data Controllers – at any of the Data Controller’s contact details indicated in this information sheet.

  1. Right to rectification

The Data Subject has the right to request the correction of personal data managed by the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management by the Joint Data Controllers – if the Data Subject considers that they do not correspond to reality or are inaccurate.

  1. Right to supplement

The Data Subject has the right to request the completion of personal data managed by the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management by the Joint Data Controllers – if the Data Subject considers that they are incomplete.

  1. Right to limitation

The Data Subject has the right to restrict the processing of personal data managed by the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management by the Joint Data Controllers.

  1. Withdraw consent

If the data management of the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management, the data management of the Joint Data Controllers – is based on the explicit request and consent of the applicant, the Data Subject has the right to withdraw the consent at any time. In this case, the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management, the Joint Data Controllers – must immediately delete the personal data concerning the Data Subject.

  1. Access to data, right to data portability

The Data Subject is entitled to receive the personal data made available to the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management to the Joint Data Controllers – in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format, and may also request that the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management, the Joint Data Controllers – forward this data directly to another data controller. 

If the Data Subject’s request is clearly unfounded or – especially due to its repetitive nature – excessive, the Data Controller: 

  • may charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs associated with providing the requested information or provision of information or taking the requested action, or
  • may refuse to take action based on the request.
  1. Right to erasure

The Data Subject is entitled to initiate the deletion of the personal data managed by the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management by the Joint Data Controllers – if:

  • considers that the processing of personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose of selecting a suitable applicant or concluding an employment contract;
  • considers that the personal data is being unlawfully handled by the Data Controller – and in the case of joint data management by the Joint Data Controllers;
  • do not consent to the further processing of personal data;
  • expressly object to the processing of your personal data.
  1. Right to objection

Data Subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data based on public interest or legitimate interest for reasons related to the Data Subject’s own situation, including profiling based on public interest or legitimate interest.

The Data Subject may exercise the above-mentioned rights against the Data Controller – in the case of joint data management, against any of the Joint Data Controllers.  Inquiries according to this point can be sent to the Data Controller – in the case of joint data management, to any of the Joint Data Controllers – at the contact information provided in point 1 above, or you can do it there. If the Data Controller together with its Customers qualifies as a Joint Data Controller in the case of labour hire, the Data Controller will separately inform the employee about the contact details of the Concerned Customer.

If you believe that your rights to the protection of personal data have been violated, you have the right to file a report to Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa street 9-11.; mailing address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9.;  telephone: +36-1-391-1400; e-mail: or – according to your choice – to apply to the court of the Data Controller’s registered office or the court of your place of residence.

  • Contact

The Website is operated by Delego. If you have any questions about this information, you can contact the Data Controller and the Data Protection Officer via the contact details specified in the information.